Having been retired for about six months, I'm starting to look for volunteer opportunities. It's surprisingly like looking for a job, but without the urgency of a looming rent payment. I initially thought of volunteering as an ESL tutor, but the two avenues I knew of for doing that locally both turned out to be dead ends.
So I Duckduckgoed "volunteer opportunities Long Beach" and found a listing from St. Mary's Medical Center: "Hospital Clerical Opportunities."
We have some departments that might need help in a clerical capacity. Some are simple tasks such as folding pamphlets, collating, etc... and others need someone with computer skills. We will try to match your skills with a department seeking help.
In a office setting the available placement days would be a week day, normal business hours. In a patient care department it could be any day of the week between 8a-8p.
We are looking for people that have time for a weekly commitment of a 4 hour shift.
If I'd like to do some good in my corner of the world, I could volunteer to fold pamphlets for a tax-exempt corporation that, according to ProPublica, had revenue of $3.37 billion in 2022 and paid 19 different people over $1 million. They paid the CEO $35 million in 2021. He has himself retired since then — I wonder whose pamphlets he's folding. For free.
© 2023 Ruth Warkentin